Nothing like a bit of sentimental morality and childhood paralysis to cheer a girl up. I had quite a spring in my step afterwards I can tell you.
I was probably subliminally drawn to it by a visit from our very own Katy from imagingermonkey who trip trapped over the hills last week to visit my lovely Fent Shop, where she whirled around exuding general fabness and quite charming the fent shop folk. You can see all the fabric that she bought on her blog, and I have just spotted that pesky Liberty babycord has already found its way onto a really quite lovely bunny. You know how when someone lives in a foreign land and only speaks the language they begin to dream in it - sometimes I think I dream in Libertyprint.
The postman has been my best chum this week. First, this lovely lady swam into view from Tantehilde...
And a brown paper package tied up with string is, as we speak, wending it's way to her in return. I love this swapping lark. Then, after winning my first ever prize in anything ever, look what came from Sarah (Pink Petal Designs) who ran a little competition in celebration of her hundredth post. Hmmm. Eight down, only 92 to go.
I think I need a bigger teapot (and that ain't something you hear every day).
Bye folks x